About Us
Something about us and our business
I’ve had a hot rod shop for over 55 years. Got my first car when I was 13, just something to work on. I’d been reading hot rod magazines and my Dad bought me a ’41 Ford for 8 dollars to shut me up. After about 3 weeks I finally got it running, sold it for $100 and bought 2 junkers to work on. I kept this up all the way through high school back in the 60’s and 70’s people used to make fun of me messing with old cars, they used to say “F.E. Are you still messing with that old junk?’ (they don’t call it old junk any more). I ran a speed shop while going to high school. When I was 25 years old I started my first hot rod shop in 1968.
We have 4 boys and a beautiful daughter, twelve grand children and 17 great grand children. I’m just now turning 80 years young and turning the flame over to my youngest son John he’s worked with me for over 35 years, so he’s fully in charge. We’ve built cars from the ground up. Paint and upolstery, engine building and building cars from the frame up, anything I Can do he does better.
Just give him a call an he can give you the best deal ever. Just ask for John 479-531-8482
Thanks F.E

John Bowling

F.E. now 80